Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Why Mummy Drinks by Gill Sims


Ellen has recently turned thirty-nine and is the mother of two primary-aged children. Her life seems to lurch from one disaster to another as she juggles family life and work, constantly comparing herself to the "Yummy Mummies" at the school gates and finding herself lacking.

Thrillers are my favourite genre but having read quite a few recently I decided a short break would be beneficial. I'll read most genres but wanted something light. Having read The Saturday Night Sauvignon Sisterhood by Gill Sims previously I knew that Why Mummy Drinks would fit the bill perfectly.

Why Mummy Drinks shows us a year in the life of Ellen Russell and her family. The year begins in September as her children return to school. Ellen has dreams about being a perfect mother, with everything in her life under control. Unfortunately, reality is anything but. Even though I don't have children I could certainly identify with Ellen.

Ellen's husband, Simon, has settled into family life well, possibly too well. He frequently uses the excuse of working full-time to avoid helping around the house or with the children. His job also gives him the opportunity to escape every now and again on business trips (from which he returns exhausted!). Ellen doesn't want to be stuck in a rut, thankfully she has a couple of friends she can socialise with, allowing her to vent. 

Although this description sounds very much like "normal life" Gill Sims has packed it with funny situations, some of which are so hilarious I found myself laughing out loud. The more hilarious incidents arise from Ellen's new-age sister-in-law and family descending for Christmas. I'll certainly steer clear of smoothies in the future!!!

There is an important message within the story, however. Ellen is constantly comparing herself to the other mothers at the school gates. The ones who are always immaculately turned out, have designer gear and perfect children. Little does Ellen realise that those same mothers are envious of her.

Needless to say, I'm already looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

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