Monday, 24 July 2023

The Lie Maker by Linwood Barclay


Struggling writer Jack Givins is approached by the US Marshall Service to create back stories for criminals entering the witness protection scheme. At the same time, there are a number of unexplained deaths in the city. Is there a connection to Jack's background?

I remember reading and enjoying some of Linwood Barclay's early novels. I've no idea why I stopped reading them. I'm pleased to say that The Lie Maker has put this author firmly back on my radar.

Jack Givins is a struggling author. He's had two books published, although they didn't set the best-seller chart alight. Unfortunately, his third novel was turned down by publishers. To make ends meet he works as a journalist. Turning up for the first day of his new job, he learns that the position no longer exists. To make matters even worse, his car bursts into flames. When his agent approaches him with a mystery job offer, Jack is skeptical. The job offer is to work for the US Marshall Service writing new backgrounds for the individuals entering the witness protection scheme and pays very well.

I loved the irony here as early on we are given a glimpse of Jack's childhood, when his father abandoned the family to enter witness protection. Although the Marshall Service did a background check on him, this was obviously something they missed, either because they didn't go back far enough or because he changed his surname when his mother re-married. Jack doesn't see any reason to enlighten them, particularly when he's in dire need of the money they offer.

As Jack is starting his new job there are a couple of unexplained deaths. Apart from the manner of the deaths, there seems to be no connection between the two people. Jack's girlfriend, Lana, is a journalist and decides to delve deeper into the deaths, convinced there is a connection.

The more involved Jack becomes, and the deeper Lana digs, we slowly realise that everything is connected to Jack and his father. We are given a glimpse into what led to Jack's father entering witness protection. Deciding to be honest with his boss at the US Marshall Service, he hopes that they will be able to put him in touch with his father. However, his father has disappeared. 

We see a race against time to track down Jack's father and danger from an unexpected source. I enjoyed the way in which all of the different elements of the plot came together in the end.

The Lie Maker by Linwood Barclay will be published on 31st August 2023 in hardback, ebook and audio format. My thanks to NetGalley and HQ for a review copy.

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