Saturday, 13 May 2023

Arthur And Teddy Are Coming Out by Ryan Love (Audiobook)


At the age of 79 Arthur finally decides he has to be truthful to himself and admit to the world he is gay. His wife of 50 years is very supportive but the rest of his family struggle with the news, apart from grandson Teddy who is frightened to tell his family about his own sexuality.

It is refreshing to hear a coming out story from the perspective of the older generation, particularly a character who has been happily married for 50 years. As Arthur summons up the courage to reveal the news to his family we learn that his parents forced him to hide his sexuality and his marriage was one of convenience that saved both him and his wife from a future they didn't want. It is not difficult to imagine that marriages of this type existed and the prejudice that prevailed 50 years ago. What is surprising, and is clearly displayed in this story, is that prejudice still exists in society today meaning that young people do not feel able to be open about their sexuality.

The prejudice that still exists today is shown through the story of grandson Teddy who is frightened to be open with his family. His closest friends are aware he's gay but no-one else knows. Spurred on by his grandfathers bravery, Teddy comes out to his family.

As both grandfather and grandson come to terms with the modern world of dating we see that it is Arthur who is the braver of the two and this bravery makes him a hero for many people. He also becomes something of a target for people he has thought of as friends for many years.

I was engrossed by Arthur's story and the support he had from his closest family and friends. Teddy's story really didn't engage me, I felt he was a bit whinny and the route his story took was a little obvious.

Overall I enjoyed the juxtaposition of the different generations but feel depressed that we still live in a society where people are still afraid to be themselves.

Arthur And Teddy Are Coming Out by Ryan Love is available in hardback, ebook and audio format. My thanks to NetGalley and HarperCollins UK for a review copy.

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