Monday, 25 July 2022

The Accomplice by Steve Cavanagh


Serial killer, The Sandman, has terrorised New York for fourteen months. When the FBI finally identify him and raid his home the only person they find is his wife Carrie. As the FBI collect evidence from the home they become convinced that Carrie was an accomplice in at least six of the murders. In the absence of The Sandman they decide to prosecute his accomplice. The family lawyer is convinced Carrie is innocent and convinces Eddie Flynn to take on her case.

I've just finished reading The Accomplice and I'm breathless. Author Steve Cavanagh has written a blistering thriller that is part serial killer thriller and part courtroom drama. The action simply doesn't let up for a moment.

This is book seven in the Eddie Flynn series. Fans of the series will be familiar with Eddie's tactics in the courtroom. Over time the ensemble cast has increased, as a result of this there is less of a focus on Eddie Flynn and events inside the courtroom. Even though there is less time in the courtroom we still have all the usual tricks we would expect from Eddie. You constantly wonder what miracle he is going to perform, especially when he allows a witness to tie them self in knots ready for Eddie to pull the rug out from under them.

Much of the novel is about collecting evidence and a manhunt, this results in quite a few OMG moments. I cannot believe how many times my heart was in my mouth reading The Accomplice. There are even times when it looks like Eddie Flynn is completely out of his depth and there is simply nothing he can do to save his client.

As we reached the conclusion I was holding my breath in anticipation, wondering how Eddie was going to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, only for Steve Cavanagh to pull the rug out from under the readers feet.

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