Saturday, 30 April 2022

The Secret Life of Albert Enwistle by Matt Cain


Albert Entwistle, a 64 year old postman, is a man of few words. In fact he doesn't like having to interact with people at all. He's happy with routines, doing his job well and then returning home to his cat, Gracie. Following the unexpected news that his employer is going to force him to retire at 65 and then the sudden death of his pet, Albert takes stock of his life. He looked after his ailing mother after his father died and when his mother died it was just him and Gracie, for 18 lonely years. But as a teenager Albert had a secret love and he's now determined to track down the person he let go 50 years ago.

You can't help but fall in love with Albert. He's been living the same life for years, stuck in a rut (although he sees it as a routine) refusing to interact with the world around him. He's content but you realise how incredibly lonely Albert is, he has no family or friends. When he has to have Gracie put to sleep I shed a tear, knowing how difficult a task it is but also with the realisation that Albert is now completely alone. It's sad to think that in such a crowded world people can be so isolated.

When Albert begins to interact with other people we see him blossom. He goes out of his way to help people around him without realising that he's helping himself at the same time. New friendships allow Albert to step out of his comfort zone and explore new horizons.

The love story at the heart of this novel is extremely sad. A forbidden love that has to be carried out in secret and then has to be denied when his father finds out. Fifty years on, when Albert sets out to find his secret love, you are willing him on every step of the way.

The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle by Matt Cain will be published in paperback on 1st June 2022. Hardback, ebook and audio formats are available now. My thanks to NetGalley and Headline for a review copy.

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