Tuesday, 8 February 2022

The Match by Harlan Coben


Following the events in The Boy From The Woods Wilde decides to investigate the DNA match he got to see if he can find out about his family. When he finally tracks down the mysterious PB he discovers he's missing, possibly as a result of online trolls. The more Wilde digs, the murkier things get.

I found the theme's of this novel really engrossing. The use of social media, reality TV and the internet is something we all interact with to some degree. The vast majority of people will engage with these mediums in a lighthearted way but The Match really does illustrate the darker side.

We are inundated by reality TV programs. The Match shows the positive side (instant fame, rewards, entertainment, etc) but deals far more with the negatives. We discover how viewers and contestants are manipulated. "Winners" then have the pressure to keep their fans entertained, to the point of sharing every moment of their life.

Coupled with reality TV is the use of social media. Reality TV stars relentlessly use social media to promote their brand, gaining millions of adoring fans. Unfortunately a fall from grace then leads to a backlash with trolls hounding those they once adored. Anonymity for the trolls make it difficult for people to fight back.

The Match finally answers the questions from The Boy From The Woods regarding Wilde's family. The hunt for answers isn't easy, there are plenty of twists. The ending is satisfying, neatly rounding off Wilde's story, however having grown to like the characters of Wilde, Hester, Laila, Matthew and Rola I would like to read more of their adventures.

The Match by Harlan Coben will be published on 17th March 2022. My thanks to NetGalley and Century Books for a review copy.

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