Monday, 24 January 2022

The Last House On The Street by Diane Chamberlain


Kayla is apprehensive about moving into her brand new home. The house she and her husband designed together. The house her husband died in as a result of an accident during the building process. As unsettling things happen Kayla turns to the only other neighbours on the street for support. Little does she know that their stories are intertwined.

Nothing can beat a Diane Chamberlain novel for drawing you into a story. Small town America is so well described, with tight knit communities that you almost feel as if you live there. Everyone knows everyone else but it also means that secrets can be very hard to hide.

The small town of Round Hill is the setting for this story. We are introduced to Kayla in 2010 as she prepares to move into her new home. Interwoven with this is the story of Ellie, set in the same community in 1965.

Ellie's story is the backbone of this novel. As a young women she is striving to break free from the expectations of her small community and is fired up by the way in which society is changing. Determined to make a difference to society Ellie becomes involved in the civil rights movement.

As the story progresses the reader gains an insight into the struggles that took place trying to change the status quo, including the danger that many people put themselves in. We also realise that Kayla and Ellie's stories are linked, even though they are years apart, and that the picture perfect community hides a disturbing secret.

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