Sunday, 7 November 2021

Em & Me By Beth Morrey


Delphine Jones is in her late twenties. Currently working as a waitress in a cafe she is struggling to make ends meet. Delphine shares a two bedroom basement flat with her 12 year old daughter, Em, and her father who seemed to stop living when his wife died tragically fifteen years previously. As we meet Delphine her life revolves around ensuring her daughter and her father are as comfortable as possible. Delphine has no consideration for herself, however fate has other things planned.

Delphine is a marvelous character, she's intelligent, beautiful, caring and hardworking. She's also pragmatic, resolute and lacks self-confidence. Life has dealt her a poor hand - her mother died when she was thirteen and her father simply gave up on life. At the age of sixteen, with the prospect of studying English Literature at Oxbridge, she fell pregnant to her boyfriend who then disappeared from her life. For twelve years Delphine accepted the hand that fate had dealt her. 

Thanks to a host of wonderful characters we see Delphine evolve. She begins to accept that life has more to offer and she has plenty to offer life. The key question through this beautiful novel is "can you be rich and poor at the same time?" and as we grow to know Delphine and Em we see that although money may be a struggle they are rich is friends, kindness and love.

As with Morrey's first novel, Saving Missy, this is a tale of how a community works together to save each other. Lives intertwined, accepting and encouraging, offering support without questioning. This really is a life affirming story.

This is also a book about books and a thanks to teachers who encourage and inspire young people every day.

Em & Me by Beth Morrey will be published by Harper Collins UK  on 3rd February 2022 in hardback and ebook. My thanks to Harper Collins UK and NetGalley for an early release copy for review.

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